she  have had 1 (2000), 2 (2007) and almost 3 (1991) children with me?   A Psychologist told me the reason Ann’s only recalling BAD stuff is because of a Defense Mechanism in her mind is justifying her decision to ruin our family with a Divorce.  So I do believe Ann hit that MLC mark and SNAPPED.  And now Ann’s brain’s hormones have been damaged by a chemical imbalance that makes her  believes she’s been Trapped and Abused for the past 27 years and wants OUT!  So “She’s DONE”!!!...


1) Did I cheat on Ann? NO.  2) Did Ann cheat on me?  I don’t think, or believe so.  If she did it was a fast quickie, not a relationship.  I asked her this question several times and different ways.  Got pretty much the same upset “NO” response answer each time.   I did this because I wanted to know if I had been replaced.  It would NOT be hard for Ann to find another man or woman that’s, Younger,  Better lookingMore sparkling personality and with  MUCH MORE HAIR!!   I can’t compete with any of that.  But she assured me many times that she still loved me and she was not involved with anyone else.  3) Did I see this coming?  NO not in a million years.  I mean we’ve been together for 27 years, married for 23.  So that newlywed passion been gone awhile.  But we got along great, so I thought.  To this day Ann still has NEVER complained about our sex; which we had multiple or more times monthly.  We argued about married people stuff they never got physical.  As I look back maybe I should have lost more arguments.  4) Was there a Drug, Alcohol, or Gambling addiction involved?  No I don’t believe so, definitely not on my end.  Ann mentioned she was having trouble sleeping and had thoughts of drinking beer and smoking cigarettes.  But I don’t  think she started either of those two things.  Ann hates the taste of Beer and Cigarettes too I believe. 5) Did we have money problems?  I have a credit score of 860+, so absolutely NOT.   I’m a worker, always have or found another job.  I made enough money to pay our family’s bills and then some.  I did keep a tight grasp on our finances being I‘ve been the provider, bill payer all these years.  No one in our family ever went hungry or naked.  The lights, heat and WiFI always ON.  Utility bills over-paid for months.


After I determined Ann was NOT INVOLVED with another woman or man; I tired repeatedly to get her to go to counseling.  At first together and when that didn’t work I suggested she go by herself.  A few times she made appointments but always cancelled.  I was hoping Ann would get help maybe that secret V or P  Happy Pill her mom’s taking, so she could get her mind back to semi normal.  But Ann’s broken brain has convinced her that I’m the one that's changed and has all the problems, there’s no V or P Rx Drug that can help me. 


So now we have 3 Lawyers.  2 for Ann, Jim & Mike; and 1 Lady for our 2 kids.  So far they’ve deducted  $33,500, out of our once paid off home’s equity.  That’s 2 years of a college tuition or a teaching certification degree, POOF gone in10 months!  I FIRED my lawyer.  Can you believe he lied to me?  Said my $5000 retainer would last 2 years! But 4 months later all gone.  So now I’m going on my own, ProSe they call it.  My first court session with our Lady Judge Regina S. went pretty good.  She understood the cases financial dynamics.  Said to Ann’s Lawyer-Jim 5 times, “Counselor there is just not enough money here to support two households”.  I felt the Judge was seeing my side.  But since the three times I’ve been back in court the Judge sides with Ann’s lawyer.  The last time, I got so FRUSTRATED I was admonished for calling her ruling “Ridiculous”.  Don’t ever try that at home it was wicked.  The Judge called in 5 Sheriffs to keep me from leaving.  I had to apologize not only to her but everyone in the whole court.  At first I wanted to drag Ann’s Divorce out for 2 years hoping she would come around at least for our kids sake and/or I could retire.  Then I saw Emily didn't seem to care much about our situation and she’s the one that will loose the most.  Dayton is devastated by it all.  Anytime Ann and I are close, Dayton pushes us to HUG.  It brings tears to my eyes every time.  Lately Ann limits my Dayton time to get back at me for what I still don’t know.  Like I haven’t done anything to this woman, even now.  I’ve also been talking to the guys at work, hearing there Divorce horror stories and with Ann’s many drastic personality changes, I’ve decided it’s time to just let Ann go.  Sorry Dayton, Daddy really tried.  I mean look at her mom Phyllis. Even with those Happy Pills; I surely would NOT want to be married to those damaged goods.  So I've done a 180 and now want Ann’s Divorce over with ASAP; so I can move on with my new life.  So the other day with Ann’s blessing I contacted her Lawyer-Jim to setup a settlement conference for the three of us.  Lawyer-Jim ignored my requests 4 times and instead put up another court road block $$$, the 3rd kids Lawyer.  I guess maybe Lawyer-Jim now wants to drag this out 2 years and he’s using my broken Ann’s mind and the flawed Cook County court system to do it.  Ann told me several times she “doesn't care about the money”, or the house for that matter!  She just wants a Quickie Divorce.  I wish she’d let her 2 Lawyers-Jim & Mike in on that.  I don’t blame Ann for any of this.  I love Ann and all my children no matter what they’ve done.  I see Ann as sick with a chemical MLC imbalance; and she doesn't even realize it.  I can’t say the same for the people that surround her.  They went through this MLC more than once and know exactly what’s going on.  But when I bring it up they laugh it off like I’m the crazy one taking those P or Rx happy pills each day, so my mind can pretend to be normal.  That’s OK thou I’m not so sure I could play that “broken down man part” as good as my “favorite living father-in-law” Andy does.  I wonder what Andy was like, before Phyllis’s BREAKDOWN, SNAP changed the dynamics of the Stapinski family forever?   


I don’t even mind  when Ann’s Lawyer(s) convinces our lady Judge to take a few hundred more dollars away from me to give  Ann.  I would rather have Ann and our kids get our money than some Lawyer and there kids.  But the problem with that is I’m

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